Wide pasta ribbons with springtime sauce


Now that spring is here, at least in my part of the world, and the days are warmer and longer promising things to come, I start to look for dishes which are fresh, light and above all, colourful. Of course salads are a key feature of menu planning, but I still do enjoy light and fresh pasta dishes which are quick and easy to make. This recipe by the wonderful Antonio Carluccio really ticks all the boxes for me – artichokes, asparagus, freshly podded peas and broad beans combined with the glorious yellow of the pappardelle. I like to make my own pasta but bought pasta is just fine for this dish. This recipe with serve 4.

I like to serve a Chenin Blanc with this dish but a young Semillon is also a great pairing.

Wide pasta ribbons with springtime sauce


350g pappardelle


8 small artichokes

300g asparagus

300g white young onions, finely sliced

300g broad beans, podded

200g garden peas, podded

6 tablespoons olive oil

100ml water

salt and pepper

3 tablespoons coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley

To make the sauce, first prepare the artichokes by removing the tough outer leaves and trimming the base of the stems. With a sharp knife, trim the tips of the leaves, leaving only the tender parts. Cut into quarters and remove any choke.
Put all the vegetables into a large saucepan with the olive oil and water. Cook gently for 20 minutes then when you are sure everything is cooked, add some salt and freshly ground black pepper and the parsley. Mix well.
In a saucepan of boiling salted water. cook the pasta until al dente, about 7-8 minutes. Drain and mix with the sauce. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese if you choose and serve.

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